Monday, March 31, 2008

Where it all began

Where it all began
Originally uploaded by colleenbaptista
Today I drove into the City. ( If you grew up in San Francisco you know we always call it the "City", not "Frisco" or "Sanfran" but the "City".) I drove by the house were we grew up, Mom and Dad's house. I could picture each and every room in my head, where every piece of furniture belonged. I could imagine all our holidays we spent together there, even as growns adults with our children. I can even picture the night before the sale was final after my parents had passed away, we were all gathered together, my brothers, sister-in-laws and all of our children. We planned to have a picnic in the livingroom on the floor one last time, all of us gathered together ,remembering. How blessed we are to have each other and those wonderful times together. My parents gave all of us, even our children, the most important gift they could. A happy childhood

1 comment:

pinkroses said...

Yeah for you...a blog! I think you will find blogging to be most will meet such kind and giving souls. You have much to offer and when you give of yourself you receive it back tenfold. I think you are very brave, and I know that you deserve to be happy...
your Flickr friend,
suzanne duda