Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Originally uploaded by colleenbaptista
Next week Emma wil be 3 years old and since she and I are Birthday Buddies, I wanted to share a special treat with her. Emma and I have a very special bond that will forever hold a huge place in my heart ( a very long story that I shall tell at another time). Emma's mom has started a silver charm bracelet for her,so I have decided we will start a tradition and have a "birthday outing" every year to get a new silver charm for our bracelets.
I can remember my mother's charm bracelet as a child. She would always let me play with all the tiny charms to see which ones opened or moved. My mother started her bracelet around 1935 when she was working downtown San Francisco. Each Friday when she got paid she would go to the gift shop at the Saint Francis Hotel and buy a new charm. My mom had so many charms she filled 3 bracelets, overflowing . My bracelet , though still not so full, holds many memories of my own, from places I have been to charms with a special meaning to me. I think this will be the perfect gift for my "special birthday buddy".

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